1.1.1: The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning and delivery through a well-planned and documented process including Academic calendar and conduct of continuous internal Assessment
1.1.1 The institution ensure effective curriculum delivery through a well planned document process
Shah N.H.Commerce College is an affiliate college with Veer Narmad South Gujarat University. Surat. Gujarat and below its curricular aspects. With the objective of achieving excellence in education. the institution ensures timely preparation of academic calendar and timetable: distribution of workload availability of adequate facilities and periodic assessment and review. Various co-curricular activities are too planned and held throughout the academic session to provide experiential learning to students. Feedback from stakeholders is taken to further enhance the teaching-learning process. Our institution has taken several initiatives to ensure effective curriculum delivery.
The College is currently having the following mechanisms for effective delivery of curriculum delivery and documentation:
1. At the beginning of an academic session, Departmental meetings are held for department in which the topics in the syllabus are discussed and distributed to the teachers.
2. Academic calendar is prepared at the beginning of the academic session it important dates like starts and end of the session internal examination. Assignment topics etc. for the smooth completion of the session. 1
3. Number of classes for each topic is decided according to the syllabus assigned to each topic/Group/paper etc.
4. Timetables are prepared in advance before each session each year /semester for both UG and PG classes and are sticking in classrooms as well as college notice Board enabling students to attend class right from the beginning of the academic session.
Prospectus containing information regarding programmers and curriculum are circulate with admission form and also uploaded on website.
5. Departmental Heads prepare the academic routine with the due approval of' the Principal. University Board of Studies meeting comprising senior faculty (Departmental heads) of our college department. Submission of revised syllabus to Academic Council which houses diversified representatives for evaluation/ suggestion and approval. Major curriculum revision has been carried out every two three years for PG/UG programmers respectively and minor changes were at that every year as per the current requirements. Departmental heads informed to respective fellow teachers regarding syllabus changes and get suggestions from them and presented before principal as well as university meetings. Departmental heads also discuss regarding outcomes. Each programme has a well-defined objective which is reflected in the Programme Outcomes (POs) and Programmed Specific Outcomes (PSOs) and Course Outcome (COs) which in turn is reflected in the syllabus. Syllabi were framed by University reflecting the current market needs which enable the smoother transition of students from the campus to corporate. This has helped the students to a great extent in order to meet their requirements and application of their skills in practical scenarios.
6. Teachers prepare their lectures according to the syllabus and classes allotted.
7. Classes are held according to the schedule under the supervision of college administration.
8. Various classroom teaching methods based on various needs of different subjects are regularly used for the effective delivery of the curriculum such as:
a. Chalk and Blackboard method
b. ICT-enabled teaching-learning method.
c. Distribution of class notes by teachers.
d. Group discussion amongst the students during the class.
e. Assignment Conducted for fulfillment of their degrees.
f. Seminars and Special talks by experts are also arranged regularly for advance studies and also plan for regular class test,
semester examinations are done to keep track on the improvement of the students.
g. Remedial classes are also conducted based on requirement.
h. community service and extension programmes are part of the curriculum for all programmes.The
Outreach programme acts as a bridge between the classroom and social
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