Internal Quality Assurance Cell
First Meeting of IQAC Academic Year 2017-18
All the IQAC members are hereby kindly informed to make yourself convenient to be with us in the first IQAC meeting going to be held on 13th June, 2017 at02:30 pm in the Principalʼs office. The agenda of the meeting is as under.
Welcome to the members.
Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.
To frame academic calendar for the year 2017-18.
Planning of academic work.
Planning of co/extra curricular activities.
Discussion on New Initiative.
Budget sparing for publication/research activities.
Presidential Address.
Vote of thanks.
Minutes of the first IQAC Meeting held on 13th June, 2017 at 02:30 pm in the Principalʼs office.
Present Members :
Prin. Dr. J.M. Naik : Chairman
Prof. K. H. Purohit : Co-ordinator
Prof. R. P. Patel : Teaching Staff / Representative
Dr. DaxabenThakor : Representative of Teaching Staff
Shri A. R. Patel : Representative of Admin Staff
Sr. SunilbhaiMarjadi : Representative of Trust
Prin. Dr. P. S. Desai : External Expert
Prof. M. A. Mulla : Representative of Past Students
Shri NaitikAhir : Representative of Present Students
1. Welcome to the member :
IQAC Chairman Prin. Dr. J. M. Naik welcomed the members and instructed the co-ordinator Prof. K. H. Purohit to proceed on.
2. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting :
Prof. K. H. Purohit read the minutes and asked for the approval of it. The present members approved the minutes.
3. To frame academic calendar for the year 2017-18 :
As we have been doing some of the activities regularly everyyear, we have decided to ask the incharge for the whole year planning for such regular as well as new activities. We have decided to complete the admission formalities of S. Y. B.Com. and T. Y. B.Com students as soon as we receive the university result, plan to collect assignments atleast before a week before the internal exam, hold first internal exam before a week to the university ATKT exam in the first term as well as arrange for the guest lectures.
4. Planning of academic work :
Prof.R.P.Patel was instructed to collect work plan from all the Departmental Heads so that IQAC can absorve the syllbus completion in proper way.
5. Planning for co/extra curricularactivities :
We collectively decided to continue incharge of the relvent activities of the previous years, until and unless proper demand of replacement receives from them and instruct them for the whole year planning of the activity.
6. Discussion on new initiatives :
We thought that the new initiatives must be taken in the current year for the wholistic growth of the students as well as betterment of the college. We collectively came to an end that new short term courses like Hotel Management, English Speaking Course, Beauty care Classes, Chocolate/Cake/Cooking Classes etc must be introduced to enhance the quality of the employability of the students.With this to celebrate Desi Ramatotsav was also decided.
7. Sparing of budget for Research and Publication activity :
It was decided to give TADA and ODL to the professors who are going to attend seminars/workshop etc. In addition, if they publish their qualititive research article, if they demand, the institute will bare the publication charges.
8. Presidential address :
Dr. J. M. Naik became happy for the fruitful suggestion and co-operation of the members. He expressed his gratitude.
9. Vote of thanks :
The IQAC Co-ordinator Prof. K.H. Purohit expressed vote of thanks and intimated all that the next meeting probably will fall in the second week of September.
Action Taken Report Of the First IQAC Meeting Held on 13th June, 2017
1. Senior Professor R.P.Patel was asked to prepare the Annual Calendar of the college. He framed it taking in the confidence the IQAC and submitted it to the IQAC. He too included in it the major regular activity like admission process time, co/extra curricular activity counseling period, World Yoga Day celebration, Tree Plantation, Blind Day Celebration, NCC/NSS Day Celebration, Narmad Week &Swami Vivekanand WeekCelebration etc.
2. All the Departmental Heads are concerned to give their subjective work plan to meet the requirement of the intime completion of the syllabus. All the Heads conducted their departmental meetings, prepared their work plan and submitted to the IQAC Co-ordinator.
3. Each activity incharge was instructed to submit their work plan of the yearly activities falling under their heads. All the incharge professors submitted their work plan to the IQAC Co-ordinator.
4. The PTI was instructed to plan for theTraditional Ramatotsav, the Placement Cell Incharge was instructed to do needful to run different classes to enhance the employability skills of the students.
5. All the faculties were informed that as usual on their demand TADA & ODL will be sanctioned to participate in seminars etc as well as fund will be given to them for their quality publication.
Second Meeting of IQAC Academic Year 2017-18
All the IQAC members are hereby kindly informed to make yourself convenient to be with us in the first IQAC meeting going to be held on 31th August, 2017 at03:30 pm in the Principalʼs office. The agenda of the meeting is as under.
Welcome to the members.
Reading of the minutes of the last meeting and its approval.
Review of the pre planned academic calendar maintance.
Review of the syllabus completion as per the work plan.
Review of the co/extra curricular activities of the first term.
About the extra ordinary out come of the students.
Intimation about the university result of the college and contemplation on it.
Out come of the students` involvement in different activities.
Presidential Address.
Vote of thanks.
Minutes of the Second IQAC Meeting held on 31th August, 2017at 02:30 pm in the Principalʼs office.
Present Members :
Prin. Dr. J.M. Naik : Chairman
Prof. K. H. Purohit : Co-ordinator
Prof. R. P. Patel : Teaching Staff / Representative
Dr. DaxabenThakor : Representative of Teaching Staff
Shri A. R. Patel : Representative of Admin Staff
Sr. SunilbhaiMarjadi : Representative of Trust
Prin. Dr. P. S. Desai : External Expert
Prof. M. A. Mulla : Representative of Past Students
Shri NaitikAhir : Representative of Present Students
1. Welcome to the member :
IQAC Chairman Prin. Dr. J. M. Naik welcomed the members and instructed the co-ordinator Prof. K. H. Purohit to proceed on.
2. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting and its approval :
Prof. K. H. Purohit read the minutes and asked for the approval of it. The Present members approved the minutes.
3. Review of the preplanned academic calendar maintance :
The IQAC co-ordinator presented that almost all the activities took place as per the pre-plannigin the academic calendar. Major events are celebration of the World Yoga Day with different activities like Training of Yoga to the students and teachers, Essay Writing Competition on it, Poster-making competition and Yoga Performance on 21st June, 2017. Celebration of Teacherʼs Day.
Fund Collection on the Blind Day.
Tree Plantation.
Blood Donation Awareness Programme and Camp.
Narmad Week Celebration and so on.
Counsellling of the college activities among all the students.
4. Review of the syllabus completion as per the work plan :
The IQAC co-ordinator Prof. K.H.Purohit said that almost all the professors could complete syllabus in time. The accountancy teachers were expected to give more practice of sums to the concerned teachers in accountancy to give extra coaching of the tough topics. In the same way English Teachers were also supposed to do something to give atleast some basic grammatical teaching as well as exposure to students for the non-native language learning.
5. Review of the co/extra curricular activities of the first term :
According to the IQAC co-ordinator following outstanding co/extra curricular activities were done : On 10th July, 2017 workshop on an “Effective Public Speaking’.
On 13th July, 2017 a programme on Woman Empowerment was organized.
On 19th July, 2017 a seminar was organised on the ‘Employment Opportunities in Public Sector’.
Students participated in the Taluka, District and Regional level Kala Mahakumbh Competitions won many prizes at different levels.
Visit to the Old Age Home, Atar by NSS volunteers & NCC Cadets.
NCC did many qualitive activities besides NSS.
Under Sports Committee Competitions for the games like Chess, Table Tennis, ect. were organised.
Under Woman Development Cell a Lecture on Comparative Study of Modern Woman and Vaidik Woman’ and a Mehndi Competition were organised.
Students were exposed to extra reading through ‘Book Review Programmes’.
Second Blood Donation Camp was Organized.
A lecture on Woman’s Rights was organized.
Active participation in the cleanliness Drive by performing Nukkad Play on it at public places.
Celebration of the Independence day.
Rangoli and Mehndi Classes were arranged and many more activities were done.
6. About the extra ordinary out come of the students :
For the Students overall development,it is expected form any institute to motivate its students to participate at least in same co/extra activities. To let them come out form their shy nature, it was decided to organize a DeshiRamatotsav. Its follow up was taken.
7. Intimation about the university result of the college and contemplation on it:
Senior Professor R.P.Patel intimated the members about the university exam result of the college students of the last year published in the opening session of the first term. He said that it is not so good but in comparision to that of the university it is better. The Management Representative appealed the principal to take necessary action to make it more healthy.
8. Out come of the students involvement in different activities :
The IQAC Co-ordinator put up the matter as, A week Faculty Development Programme at Ahmedabad was attended by Prof. K.C.Patel and Prof.V.R.Champaneri.
Dr.Daxa Thakor delivered lecture on ‘NSS History and its Objectives’ at Arts & Commerce College, Vapi and Arts College, Valsad.
Dr.Daxa Thakor Delivered a lecture on Woman Awareness among the women who have been working in the SthanikSwarajySansthao and ‘Cleanliness Drive and Woman’ among the women who have been working in different Panchayats and NSS Volunteers of B.K.M Science College, Valsad.
Prof. M. G. Patel talked on ‘UPSC/GPSC Exam’ as a Resource person in the DUIAS, Valsad.
Prof. M. K. Patel talked on ‘Introduction and Basic Concept of NCC’ in the DUIAS, Valsad.
Prof. M. A. Mulla participated in an NSS workshop at the KCG, Ahmedabad.
9. Presidential Address :
Dr. J. M. Naik asked the IQAC members about their satisfaction for the work the institute did. The members gave their positive response.
10. Vote of thanks :
The IQAC Co-ordinator Prof. K. H. Purohit expressed vote of thanks and intimated all that the next meeting will be in December second or third week.
Action Taken Report Of the Second IQAC Meeting Held on 31st August, 2017
1. The Faculty members of Accountancy and Statistics department were informed to give additional practice and extra coaching of their subject.
2. The Department of English was requested to arrange for Basic English Language Learning Classes.
3. Prof.M.G.Patel was instructed to organize more qualitative programme to enhance the employability skills, especially of the students of the tribal area.
4. PTI Shri M.K.Patel was appealed to motivate all the Hostel Students to use our Physical Fitness Centre on regular mode and motivate them for their maximum involvement in the sports events. He was also instructed to start a well organized planning of the Traditional Ramtotsav so that almost all the students of the college can participate in any event of it.
5. At last a Staff meeting was held in which all the faculties were instructed to make their teaching work more qualititive to enhance the academic quality of the students to make outcome graph far better so that their academic merit won`t be their barrier for their brightening future.
Third Meeting of IQAC Academic Year 2017-18
All the IQAC members are hereby kindly informed to make yourself convenient to be with us in the first IQAC meeting going to be held on 26th December, 2017 at 03:30 pm in the Principalʼs office. The agenda of the meeting is as under.
1. Welcome to the members.
2. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting and its approval.
3. Planning for the syllabus completion in the second term.
4. Planning for the co/extra curricular activities of the second term.
5. Follow up of the Academic Calendar.
6. Presidential Address.
7. Vote of thanks.
Minutes of the Third IQAC Meeting held on 26thDecember, 2018 at 03:30 pm in the Principalʼs office.
Prin. Dr. J.M. Naik : Chairman
Prof. K. H. Purohit : Co-ordinator
Prof. R. P. Patel : Teaching Staff / Representative
Dr. DaxabenThakor : Representative of Teaching Staff
Shri A. R. Patel : Representative of Admin Staff
Sr. SunilbhaiMarjadi : Representative of Trust
Prin. Dr. P. S. Desai : External Expert
Prof. M. A. Mulla : Representative of Past Students
Shri NaitikAhir : Representative of Present Students
1. Welcome to the member :
IQAC Chairman Prin. Dr. J. M. Naik welcomed the members and instructed the co-ordinator Prof. K. H. Purohit to proceed on.
2. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting :
Prof. K. H. Purohit read the minutes and asked for the approval of it. The Present members approved the minutes.
3. Planning for the syllabus completion in the second term :
As the second term is short, all the Departmental Heads are expected to be informed to plan the curriculum teaching insuch a way that the receiver may grasp the texualkhowledge comfortably. It is also decided to inform each staff to take extra classes if needed.
4. Planning for the co/extra curricular activities of the second term :
Majory co/extra curricular, college level & inter college level activities are taken place in winter season so all the Activity InchargeProfessor were supposed to be informed to organize each collegelevel activity and motivate students to participate in inter college events but not at the cost of their study. There must be balance.
5. Follow up of the Academic Calendar :
As per the Academic Calandar Planningit was decided to instruct Incharge/Head to plan their events between 01/01/2018 to 15/02/2018. It was decieded to organize the college Annual Function in March 1st week. So far assignments are concerned, it will be collected in second or third week of February and the Second term Internal exam will be conducted in the last week of February or first week of March.
6. Presidential Address :
Principal Dr. J. M. Naik informed the members that in the vacation period, after the university exam, English speaking class, Hotel Management Course and courses like Rangoli Making/Poster Making ect will be organized. He also informed the committee members about the new purchase and invited suggestions for other updates required for the college. Our college infrastructural property is strengthened with the addition of fitness centre, Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine and Sanitary Napkin Incinerator, well furnishedmulti purpose activity hall ect. The present members appreciated the new inclusion.
7. Vote of thanks :
The IQAC Co-ordinator Prof. K. H. Purohit expressed vote of thanks and intimated all that the next meeting will be in March.
Action Taken Report Of the Third IQAC Meeting Held on 26th December, 2017
1. All the staff members were informed to finish their syllabus in a more systematic way. If required, a compact time table will be framed.
2. All the activity in charge faculties were informed to motivate students to participate in a quality inter college events, at the same time only to arrange important events in free periods or before or after college time. The PTI M.K.Patel was asked to frame a committee for the successful organization of the DeshiRamatotsav.
3. All the tentative curricular planning of the second term was conveyed to all the staff as well as students.
4. Prin. Dr.J.M.Naik passed on necessary instructions to Prof. M.G.Patelto organize short term classes like Tourism and Hotel Managemet Government Course and Dr.DaxabenThakor to organise English Speaking Course, Poster Making/Rangoli Making/Candle Making Courses Etc. to enhance the capability of self employment or employability.
Fourth Meeting of IQAC Academic Year 2017-18
All the IQAC members are hereby kindly informed to make yourself convenient to be with us in the first IQAC meeting going to be held on 30th March, 2018 at03:00 pm in the Principalʼs office. The agenda of the meeting is as under.
1. Welcome to the members.
2. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting and its approval.
3. Review of the curricular activities of the second term.
4. Review of the co-curricular activities of the second term.
5. Follow up of the Academic Calandar planning.
6. Member feedback.
7. Outcome of the activities.
8. Next year activity planning.
9. Vote of thanks.
Minutes of the Fourth IQAC Meeting held on 30thMarch, 2018 at 03:00 pm in the Principalʼs office.
Present Members :
Prin. Dr. J.M. Naik : Chairman
Prof. K. H. Purohit : Co-ordinator
Prof. R. P. Patel : Teaching Staff / Representative
Dr. DaxabenThakor : Representative of Teaching Staff
Shri A. R. Patel : Representative of Admin Staff
Sr. SunilbhaiMarjadi : Representative of Trust
Prin. Dr. P. S. Desai : External Expert
Prof. M. A. Mulla : Representative of Past Students
Shri NaitikAhir : Representative of Present Students
1. Welcome to the member :
IQAC Chairman Prin. Dr.J.M.Naik welcomed the members and instructed the co-ordinator Prof. K. H. Purohit to proceed on.
2. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting :
Prof. K. H. Purohit read the minutes and asked for the approval of it. The Present members approved the minutes.
3. Review of the curricular activities of the second term :
It was decided to instruct all the Departmental Heads to design syllabustaching in such a way that it can be completed very smoothly and in a satisfactory way.
4. Review of the co-curricular activities of the second term :
For the overall growth of the students, it was collectively decieded that in addition to texual knowledge, platform for qualititiveextra curricular activities must be provided to the students. Keeping in mind many activities are done which were informed to thepresent members. Some of them are…
Distribution od Tablets among F.Y.B.Com. students at 1000 Rs.
770 students were benefiled by free Thallasamiacheck up camp organized by the college.
A rally was organized on “Plastics Bag Removal Awareness” and distribution of the paper bag made by our NSS volunteers among shop keepers in the town was initiated to replace plastics bags.
Short term courses on Arabic Mehndi, Bridal Mehndi, Traditional Mehndi, Rangoli Warli Painting, Poster making, Candle Making and Photography Workshop were organized.
DuringNSS Camp Free Spectacles Distribution Camp, First Aid Training, Chocolate Candle Making Workshop, Swachchhata Rally, Survey of the Adopted Village, Drug Prevention Awareness Programmeetc were done for the villagers.
One day training programme on Human Rights was organized with the collaboration of National Human Right Commission.
Programme on Sucide Prevention Awareness was organized.
A lecture was organized on GST and its Effects.
The world AIDS Day was celebrated by arranging Doctor`s Lecture on it.
Aviation Training Seminar for all the T.Y.B.com and M.Com. students was organized.
English Speaking Course was conducted.
Two days DeshiRamatotsav was organized in which almost all students of the college participated. The IQAC Co-ordinator informed the members that these were the highlights only. Besides these, many events took place.
5. Follow up of the Academic Calandarplanning :
Looking into the activities report, the members expressed their satisfaction that as per the academic calendar planning, the whole year activities were in proper process, still for many activities, careful planning is needed and it will be surely done in the next meeting that was informed by the IQAC Chairman.
6. Members Feedback :
After the satisfactory discusstion with one & all, the Chairman and co-ordinatorod the IQAC could collect positive response for the college avtivities from the present members.
7. Outcome of the activities :
The IQAC Co-ordinator expressed the observation of the whole staff that the students who actively participated in different activities are found more mature.
8. Next Year activity planning :
It was deecied to plan for…. (1) Extra Coaching Classes for Advanced Lerners as well as Slow Learners (2) English Speaking Classes (3) To introduce Internship Programme
9. Vote of thanks :
The IQAC Co-ordinator Prof. K. H. Purohit expressed vote of thanks and intimated all that the next meeting will be in June second or third week.
Action Taken Report Of the Fourth IQAC Meeting Held on 30th March, 2018
1. All the Department Head was inquired about the sullabus completion. Students were also asked about it. It seemed quite satisfactory.
2. So far co/extra curricular activities are concerned, all the activityincharges were reviewed.It is found that almost all the teachers did it properly but, yet they were instructed to introduce some new related events for vacation and motivate students for their maximum participation.
3. For new year planning Dr.DaxabenThakor was instructed to think over new initiative to be implemented for the next year students as wellas the special classes for non-native English Language Learners,Slow learners and Advanced Learners.
Constitution of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
In pursuance of the NAAC/UGC guidelines, presently, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is constituted w.e.f. 13/06/2017 as follows.
Sr. No.
Name of Member | IQAC Designation |
Dr. J. M. Naik Principal | Chairperson |
Prof. K. H. Purohit Associate professor | IQAC Co-ordinator |
Dr. Sunilbhai I. Marjadi Campus Director, Nootan Kelvani Mandal, Valsad |
Member, Representative of Governing Body of College |
Prin. Dr. Pankajbhai S. Desai Principal, Dualat Usha Institute, Valsad | Member, External Academic Expert |
Prof. Rameshbhai P. Patel HOD, Statistics Dept. |
Member, Representative of Teaching Staff |
Prof. Dr. Daxaben G. Thakor Associate professor | Member, Representative of Teaching Staff, |
Mr. Anilkumar R. Patel Senior Clerk | Member, Representative of Admin Staff Representative of Alumni |
Prof. M. A. Mulla Associate prOfe ssor | |
Mr. Naitik M. Ahir General Secretary |
Representative of Student |
N.B. Each Member has given his/her consent on phone to be a part of the committee.