Principal's Message

By studying in one of the best colleges of South Gujarat Shah N.H.Commerce (UG&PG) College, Valsad, each one ofyou are blessedindeed.The College has been nurtured and benefited by the great Divine and management’s vision. Healthy and harmonious ambience together rich values of the College play pivotal role in shaping the future of its students. Our mission is to transform students into rational thinkers, competent employees, law abiding citizens and spiritually enlightened individuals. This is my firm belief that the rich values and traditions imbibed here would take you to greater heights.

It is a matter of pride that the college has been granted ‘B’ grade in NACC accreditation in 2015. Theachievementhas burgeoned and recently we apply for the award of “College with Potential for Excellence” status by UGC. This could be possible with the blessings of Almighty and hardwork done by college staff and students under the guidance of visionary management.

With proud legacy of 47 years, the college has excelled in every field. Academic excellence is evidenced as many students secured their places in the merit list of Veer Narmad South Gujarat University. Students of our college have brought laurels in cultural activities in National, State, zonal and Inter-Zone competitions &youth festivals.In sports, students of our College have been University champions;winners at National, State and local levels and have been winning the trophies every year. Thus, students educated from the college have carved a niche for themselves in various fields at national and international levels

Dear students, in this era of cut throat competition, it is of paramount importance to be equipped withappropriate knowledge, habits, attitudes and valuesleading toholistic development. Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities organised by various clubs and societiesfacilitate creativity and critical thinking. They not only inculcate social and moral values, compassion for nature, pride for Indian culture and tradition and awareness for one’s rights and duties but also make students good human beings and confident leaders. I intently believe that you would develop versatile personality during your stay in this temple of learning.

To be successful in life, have ambitions and define your goals clearly. Discipline and hard work is the key to success. Be regular in your classes and focus on your goals. Yourconcertedefforts with the able guidance of your teachers would definitely provide you a blissful and successful life.

I, on behalf of shah N.H.Commerce College family welcome all the students and wish you all the best for achieving greater success and scaling new heights in the coming session.

With blessing and warm wishes