Dr. Daxa G. Thakor
Associate Professor9427174175
Research/Academic Works:
1. Research Guide
2. External Refree for Ph.D. Degree in 7 outstate Universities of India.
3. Successfully completed UGC Minor Research Project on " The Utilization and Integration of ICT Tools into Teaching and Learning Process to Empower and Develop Proficiency of Teachers and Students of the Rural Area of Valdsad District with special Reference of Teaching English Language and Literature."
4. 21 Research Papers are published in Peer Reviewed/Refered International Journals with ISSN numbers having good Impact Factors.
5. 01 Research Paper is published in Non-refered journal.
6. 08 Research articles are published in edited books published by International/ National publishers.
7. 07 Research Papers are published in Proceedings of Conerence/ Seminars.
8. 01 Orientation Programme, 03 Refresher Course, 02 Weekly Faculty Development Programme, 01 Workshop on Research Mythodology were done.
9. 31 Research Papers are presented in different level (State/ National/ International) Seminars and Conferences.
10. 15 Lectures are delivered in Seminars/Conferences.
11. Organizing Secretary of 04 UGC Funded Seminars.
Besides Teaching.......
1. Worked as an Incharge Principal of the College From June 2018 to January 2020.
2. Since the academic year June 2005, I have been performing my role as a Chair Person of the Cultital Committee and Women Develpment Cell of the college.
3. Shouldered responsibility as an NSS Programme Officer for 05 Yeras.
A. Convenor of N.H. Times Bhintpatra for 06 years.
B. Member of Library Committee for 08 Yeras.
C. Convenor of the Book Review Project for Students for 05 years.
4. In addition to all these, during 02 NAAC Cycle shouldered different responsibilities.
5. For the second Cycle of NAAC all the college activity data was collected and translated into English.
6. 17 College Level Seminars for the college students were conducted.
7. Managed 07 Youth Festivals Organized by the Gujrat State Government.
8. In addition to all, I Love my students. Remain available to them for 24x7.